Business ListingKootenay Columbia Trails Society

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The Kootenay Columbia Trails Society is a registered, non-profit society, based in Rossland B.C., funded by and serving the communities of the Lower Columbia region. We exist to manage, maintain and develop a regional network of recreational trails for a variety of non-motorized trail users. These trails serve as a popular amenity for local residents, and as a significant draw for visitors.

The Society is governed by a dedicated volunteer board, and operations are carried out by an experienced professional trails manager and crew. Most of our trails are located on private property, and public access is only made possible by the generous cooperation of the landowners, who enter into insured agreements with the Society.

The KCTS depends highly on public support to make the trail network better each year. Some of the ways you can help include becoming a member, a local business supporter, volunteering, or making a donation.

Rossland, BC